Mindfulness & Meditation

Remembering the peaceful joy of your true nature

A one-day workshop with Julie & Greg

Suffering – anxiety, worry, stress, anger, frustration, feeling down, and so on – is caused by a misunderstanding.

 From early in life, we are conditioned by our parents and society to believe that we are someone who we are not. Because of this, we experience a sense of lack, that something isn’t as it should be or could be, which drives us to search for fulfilment. We tend to look for that fulfilment in our relationships, in what we do, what we have, in our beliefs, and how we look. However, whatever we achieve, it is not enough and our search continues for that elusive something that is missing from our life.

 But it isn’t missing! We have just been looking in the wrong places. We already are what we seek. It is within us. We do not need more or less of anything to be happy and at peace with ourselves and the world around us.

 Mindfulness and meditation practice allows us to realise this for ourselves. It awakens us to our true nature, by revealing and letting go of the mistaken beliefs about who we are.

 Aspects of this transformation can be studied, and there is considerable scientific evidence of the benefits of regular meditation and mindfulness practice in helping depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health problems, as well as insomnia, chronic pain, addiction, tinnitus, and reducing the perceived severity of certain physical conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome and cancer.

During the day you will:

Experience a variety of meditation and mindfulness practices that are simple, effective, and practical for everyday use (however busy you are).

Enjoy energy awareness with the moving meditations of tai chi and chi gung.

Receive all the information and guidance that you need to be able to practice on your own.

Learn how to become aware and let go of the causes of suffering; empowering yourself in the process.

Experience the extraordinary power of the breath in guiding you home to the joy of your true nature.

The day is suitable for beginners and those with experience.

Date: Saturday 21st September 2024. 10am – 4.30pm.

Price: £65

Discounted rate: £55 if you have completed a course or retreat with us, book with a friend, or are receiving benefits. 

To book your place: Please email info@juliewise.co.uk for bank details or send a cheque for the total amount, payable to ‘Dragonfly Healing Ltd’, to 20 Coach Road, Warton, Carnforth, Lancs, LA59PR.

Venue: Over Kellet Village Hall, Nether Kellet Road, Over Kellet, LA61DR. (Just off junction 35 of the M6)


Workshop Feedback

“Thank you for an amazing 4 days at Samye ling. I’ve felt I’ve had so many profound experiences- life changing. I felt as if I’d come home 
You both hold the light for so many people to grow- I feel blessed to know you both” Madi UK

“Thank you for another amazing and beautiful weekend….unique and special as you are. You are both incredible facilitators and it was beautiful to see how you both supported the whole group in so much learning and using opportunities as they arose to teach, nurture and empower us all. A weekend full of the Divine at work”.  Renata UK

Thank you for a fantastic insight into the world of shamanism. I had a wonderful time and this was made more enjoyable by the lovely people that also attended.”  Steve UK

I thoroughly enjoyed the day and I think you could almost tag it “the workshop that keeps on giving” .  I’ve found that the healing process started that day has kept on unfolding ever since.  Also, I have fairly regular kinesiology treatments and it’s been fascinating how often ancestral line things have come up for correction in the treatments I’ve had since May. I worked on our family stress pattern on the day and I’ve noticed that it’s not just me, my brother and sister seem far more chilled and coping with their stressful lives better too.”  Rachel UK

Thank you for such an amazing and epic day last Sunday. You offered so much within such a short space of time and there was a sense of timelessness in the process. It was an enriching and enchanting experience and the interconnectedness of imagery and symbols is still circulating in the aftermath.I´m so grateful for it all and loved the drumming. Had extraordinary experiences and was especially glad to meet what appeared as my totem animal. Bears have always been important but I was surprised it was a polar bear and surprised to enter the Lower World through sand where this photo was taken on the dunes opposite the Farnes. It´s a favourite beach of long association and happy family memories. To swim as one with a white bear through strands of golden and tawny seaweed being shown an array of other animals as we swam deep beneath the ocean was a liberating and ensouling experience and we went so deep that nothing was left except deep, deep blue with just a hint of violet. Thank you.” Jackie UK

“It was a great day yesterday. I really feel energised and refreshed.  Also I am one of those many people who struggle switching off and meditating. However yesterday I found the sessions you did really calming and I was able to switch off.  Many thanks”   Kay UK

 “Many many thanks for a wonderful day on Sunday, it was both a thought-provoking and feel-provoking session and I have spent the day breathing and feeling and expanding. It’s actually quite en-lightening to dwell in the body more than I would normally…gosh there is so much going on in there!” David UK

“Really appreciating a wonderful day today with so much inspiration. Thank you.”  Sue UK

“I would like to thank you for a very inspiring workshop on Sunday. I really enjoyed it even though some of it was over my head, definitely wetted my appetite to learn more though. I wish I could have ‘bottled’ your pearls of wisdom to bring home with me!Theresa UK

I have to say that you are easily the best facilitator I have had the pleasure to be with – totally grounded, open to comment, lacking in ego or bias in your teaching and always seeking to flexibly contour the work to those present. And that’s quite an accolade coming from one who a) has attended many and varied workshops over the past year and b) is not a great bestower of praise (it takes quite a lot to really impress me – but I am improving on that front!). Most of all you bring knowledge, wisdom and humour to your subject in equal measure. Many Many Thanks.”   Catherine UK

“Thank you for a fantastic insight into the world of shamanism. I had a wonderful time and this was made more enjoyable by the lovely people that also attended. Thanks again.” Steve UK

“I wanted to firstly say a huge heartfelt thank you for the wonderful day we had on your shamanic workshop yesterday. As requested, I brought the essential open mind, and was rather blown away!Paula UK